These are general guidelines for patients being treated with Twin Block appliances.

If you have any queries please ask, we are here to help you.

  • Twin Block appliances are usually used when there is a large discrepancy between the position of the upper and lower jaws. When inserted, they reposition the lower jaw and rely on forces from muscle function (hence their name) to correct the positions of the teeth and jaws.
  • Sometimes, a functional appliance may be all that is required. In other cases, fixed appliances are needed to complete treatment.
  • There are different designs of functional appliance. Some are made in one piece, whilst others consist of two separate braces (twin block appliances) which fit upper and lower jaws independently and guide the jaws into the required position when they are brought together.
  • The more that the appliances are worn, the more effective they will be. Functional appliances should be worn all the time (day and night) with exceptions given below, unless you are given specific instructions to the contrary.
  • It usually takes time to get used to wearing the appliances but you must wear them full time from the day that they are fitted.
  • Most patients manage to eat with twin block appliances in place, but if this is difficult they can be removed for meal times. The appliances will also need to be removed when you brush your teeth. It is especially important to make sure that the teeth and the appliances are cleaned after meals, before the appliances are reinserted.
  • Do not eat sticky sweets such as toffees and chewing gum. These will damage the appliance.
  • Remove the appliances before you undertake any sports or games (including swimming) where they may become accidentally displaced. Put them somewhere safe (a rigid brace box is best).
  • At first, the appliances will make it difficult to speak clearly. Your speech should improve as you wear them more frequently. Practice speaking out aloud at home.
  • Sometimes areas of soreness may develop after you have worn the appliance for a while. If this happens, please telephone us during normal working hours so that arrangements can be made to see you and adjust the appliances before your next planned appointment. This avoids interrupting the progress of treatment. Any other problems, such as accidental breakages, should also be notified as soon as possible (during normal working hours). Appliances are repaired at a technical laboratory and this may take a little time. Patients must attend in person so that the fit of the appliances can be checked before and after the repair.